Thursday, December 23, 2010

Depressionism (trademark alert!)

Emo depression seems to be in the in-thing these days. Psychiatrists, psychologists and psychoanalysts feed over 70% of their patients anti-depressants, for problems ranging from clinical schizophrenia all the way through to Johnny-boy not getting enough ice cream as a kid.

Johnny-boy all grown up!
 This is all good and well if you can't face the world, or if hanging from your bedroom ceiling is better than making the best of what you have (which it never is), or even because your parents were helicopters (I'll explain that soon enough) but there just seems to be way too much false depression going around. Being sad used to be normal, a part of life one had to face and deal with, but not anymore. It has alot to do with younger generations being so heavily influenced by mass media. The sensationalisation and dramatisation which fills the programming schedules of today create an effect which has no existential body (meaning there is no tangible explanation), some kind of a mind-altering subliminal influencer if you will...I like to call it The Box of Deproness, or Depressionism, whichever tickles your fancy.

This phenomenon is illogical and therefore very dangerous, for what it does is it makes everyone believe that sadness (a NATURAL emotion) has become a treatable illness, that sadness and hardship is something we are not meant to face as human beings. The problem is that sadness and hardship (along with the other emotions) are what make us human in the first place. We are slowly becoming desensitized, losing our humanity and falling deeper into consumerism, for if sadness is cancelled out, then surely happiness becomes a mere state of being, if you understand what I mean!?

Awesome...visit for more
Depressionism is part of the reason we fall for advertising. We have lost the reality of tangible satisfaction, the happiness that comes with being thankful for what we have, so we always want more. Happiness has literally become a shopping bag (still think retail therapy is harmless?).

What I'm trying to say is that we need to watch the world around us, be observant and realize that thinking outside the box is now more important than ever, because the box is no longer a box...It's been renovated, upgraded with glass facades and other pretty stuff like aircons and artificial grass and Google adverts, and now we dont even know its a box. Being in your own world now means being in Nike's world, or Adidas' or Reebok's or whatever. It's ok to be a sad panda you know, being sad makes us realize there are things we need to change. I for one know that fighting depression and attempting to absorb whatever life throws at you most definitely makes you a stronger person, and who knows you might be the next Abe Lincoln (who openly expressed his battle with depression).  

Now I understand why the Matrix was so damn awesome! The blue pill was an anti-depressant ;)

Talk about schizo

Friday, December 17, 2010


I never use this, maybe 'cos I like english too much who knows, but... O.M.G!
In real life soldiers are supposed to be honourable and precise, the ideal weapon of warfare. But I stumbled upon a video the other day featuring a routine operation run by Coalition Forces (America) in Iraq.

I have never seen anything or anyone more redneck, moronic and trigger-happy than the cowards piloting the attack helicopter featured in the video. Everyone's heard of the stories of misconduct during the occupation of Iraq, and thanks to Wikileaks the world is a more open and un-espionage-ish place, leaving no chances for abusers of power. You can check the vid here: (Be ready for some stupid, stupid violence.)You've been warned...

Commentating on redneck olympics doesn't really require much...commentating

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eish mfwethu...

I realised why it's so hard for me to keep up-to-date with my blog. It's not so much the physical or creative aspects, those I seem fairly capableof being able to deal with (most of the time). The thing that irks me is the "school"-like feeling I get from having yet another thing to do on a daily basis. In school it was a diary, or extra lessons, or too many rules, or whatever, and I "disliked" it so much that by my matric year all my diary was good for were the footnote jokes and the scribbles and doodles of awesomeness borne from an idle mind and a hand stricken with ADD (a curse I tell you).

"What?...WHAT!?You tawkina me!?"

Yarrr...I have alot of unresolved issues, mainly stemming from the whole childhood buzz (venting isn't really my thing), and even at the moment things in my life are not all that perky. However, with this in mind, even with my paranoid fear of impending insanity, I'm still alive, kicking, biting and scratching. I did find a solution to my issues though... My independence is what drives me. Let's just say my independence can handle the worst of diaries, even those Sports Illustrated ones.

So, basically, at the end of my random blurt and squirt, instead of this blog becoming a dull and dreary diary (coincidental, I'm blogging on my own bloggy time, so bloggedy blog for you if you disagree, 'cos I dont give a flying blog.